A masterclass to uncover your selling superpowers using your rising and descendent signs 

Sales Rising

*Free for a limited time!* 

Imagine if there was a guide to your UNIQUE SUPERPOWERS that you could use to tell stories that sell with more POWER and ease…!?


Guess what… there IS! Your astrology chart!

In this masterclass I’m going to show you how you can use your chart to:


Get so CLEAR and CONFIDENT in EXACTLY what to write about in your social media posts to turn your engagement from “you’re so inspiring” to “I’m ready to join your offer”!



Understand how your RISING sign can tell you EXACTLY what’s so unique about you that most resonates with the dream soul mate client for your high ticket offer. 



Understand what your DECENDENT sign can reveal about your soul mate client COMPATIBILITY so you can STOP second guessing WHO your soul mate client is and STOP talking to the WRONG people in your content (who will never invest in your work).

I’ll show you how to apply these insights to watch your sales numbers RISE consistently by sharing your story in focused and authentic ways on socials! 


You’ll need your birth time, place and date to participate! 


I am the soul mate client matchmaker!


I’ve been helping magical people sell their magic (like magic!) online for almost 10 years!

I believe that the level of abundance you experience in your business is defined by the quality of your client relationships… AND making your sales process as EASY as possible!

In this masterclass I’m going to show you how your astrology chart can give you some really powerful shortcuts to becoming even more magnetic to the MOST wonderful clients!

Even though I had successfully been attracting amazing clients for YEARS in my business, I was STILL experiencing self-doubt and uncertainty about WHAT to write and which parts of MY STORY to focus on every time I sat down to write a social media post. 

It wasn’t until I started diving into my astrology chart that I REALLY got the clarity on WHO I am and the parts of my story that are TRULY relevant to the people who would want to BUY my coaching offers. 

Understanding my chart made me crystal CLEAR on what to write and lead with in my content.

I started attracting perfect-fit clients with even more EASE –  they were 100% sold on wanting to work with me and started jumping into my offers quickly and CONFIDENTLY.

No objections. No back and forth. No ghosting. The DREAM! 

Now I attract amazing clients while having 5-figure launches on repeat –
no sales calls required! 

Want to learn how to tap into your unique MAGIC in your content using your astrology?


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