How I Manifested My Freedom Lifestyle & 6-Figure Dream Business

Using Vision Boards

I tried making a vision board once. I found it behind the radiator at my Mum’s place recently and realized that pretty much EVERYTHING on it had come true!!

I am not much of an arts & crafter. I’m pretty unskilled with design stuff. But it turns out I’m really freaking good at manifesting my dream life! 

So I’m very excited to be sharing my super simple, but very focused and powerful vision board manifestation process with you in this special masterclass!

The process I will share with you created results like:

  • My first 5-figure month ever being an out of the blue $20k month!!
  • Raising my prices from $30 per hour to attracting 5-figure total dream clients out of nowhere
  • 2 dream apartments with big green gardens in New York City
  • 1 dream waterfront apartment also in NYC 
  • A poetry award
  • Canadian residency
  • A US green card

This process has consistently worked over the past 7 years. Sometimes with consistent daily focus and action, sometimes with totally out of the blue spontaneous and unplanned surprises.  

I’m pulling back the curtain and sharing it all with you so that you can use my simple, intentional vision boarding manifestation process to make your dream life and business  your reality!


I am living proof that dreams do come true.

Picture this… past Sarah would drag herself out of bed at 4am to jump in a hired car in the dark, to spend 18 to 20+ hours on a film set day after day. Sometimes standing outside in the pouring rain the entire day (I was living in Vancouver at the time.)

I would DREAM of being able to lie in bed until I felt fully rested.

I would CRAVE being able to stretch and do yoga and eat a delicious healthy breakfast at home and wake up slowly, with morning journaling and meditation.

Now that is my life every single day.

My dream was to have TOTAL FREEDOM to be where I wanted whenever I wanted. To take long weekends off whenever a fun opportunity to adventure arose. To be able to say YES to trips with loved ones any time of year.

I created it! I have been living my ultimate dream of traveling the world. I have woken up to the sounds of all different kinds of languages ringing through the streets of new cities and remote villages.

Buying groceries was a new adventure every week, across 16 different countries, discovering new flavors and recipes, wrapping my head around new currencies and languages, extreme temperatures and fascinating customs.

For the past 8 years I have really been LIVING life and squeezing every last drop of it. From mouth watering croissant-guzzling in Paris, to being poked and pampered by healers in Bali, buying crates of fresh European strawberries while living by the beach in Portugal, and hiking in tropical rain in Hawaii. Then moving into many dream homes in different neighborhoods in NYC, with lush green gardens and waterfront views.

I work 3-4 days per week. I go with my creative flow. I don’t take calls before 11am. I never work any later than 7pm, unless I really want to. I take afternoon walks every day. I workout, journal and meditate every morning. I play music daily. I take spontaneous afternoons and even whole days off. I never have more than a handful of calls on my calendar each week.

I found the life I always wanted. I created it, actually. With very specific intention.


$2k per month was my dream income goal on the vision board I found behind my Mum’s radiator, which I made back in 2015. I have since had many $20k+ months. Never underestimate the power of starting small!

My very first vision board…

So now I’m very excited to be following this fun flash of inspiration to share my vision boarding process with you.

I suck at design stuff. I’m very slap dash and pretty half-assed in my approach to vision boarding, but clearly it is ENOUGH for it to work!

And as I watch things manifest into my reality over and over and over again after putting them on my vision boards…. I knew that this process I have landed on is TOO GOOD not to share!

Come and play with me for 90 minutes, I will teach you a very fun, very simple, yet VERY INTENTIONAL process to manifest your dream freedom lifestyle and 6-figure business through vision boarding.

The income you desire.

The clients you desire. 

The impact and reach you desire.

The skills you desire. 

The home you desire.

The city or country you desire to live in or adventure to.

The kinds of clients & opportunities you desire.

The awards you desire (yes, I manifested a poetry award too!)

Watch all of it unfold in your reality after you claim it on your vision board!


All you need is access to a printer and a glue stick!

I’ll be sharing my process to:


  • Intuitively discover your desires & callings through collaging with images you find around you
  • Get super specific and granular about things you desire to experience and how to quickly and easily create an image of it to add to your vision board
  • How to set and manifest your income & money goals 
  • I’ll share how I went from $0 in savings to $3000+ saved within a matter of weeks! 
  • Tune into your most authentic AND most extraordinary desires, give yourself permission to dream big, while staying connected to your true goals for your life
  • How I quickly and simply collect images that really represent my desires 
  • My scrappy, quick and fun process of putting it all together and selecting and arranging the final images on one board
  • What to do with your vision board after you’ve made it to give your dreams the best chance of making it into your reality, while also being open to some magical surprises along the way!

I am so excited for this masterclass, it’s going to be the most fun, creative, magical, POWERFUL and life changing class I have ever created for you! Watch the replay.

We will not be making the boards together, but you will come away with a clear process to follow on your own time, either in one sitting or little by little as you feel inspired. 

The most powerful part of this masterclass will be the clear processes to guide you to the specificity, connection and clarity around your desires that you will need to get started. 

This work makes your desires INEVITABLE and you can expect to start seeing the magic showing up in your reality almost instantly. 

I’ll also share the exact thing I did in my vision board process that led to me accidentally manifesting a dream waterfront apartment in NYC! Oh and a spontaneous trip to Costa Rica… all thanks to my vision board!


This can work for you even if:

  • You’re not an artist
  • You’ve never done this before
  • You have zero design skills 
  • You don’t have 5 hours to sit down and make a vision board

The view from our new place in NYC:

My next level vision boards: