A 3-Part Free Series With Sarah Mac

Mercury money

Leverage Mercury Retrograde to Fill Your High Ticket Offer

Mercury retrograde happens 3-4 times every year.

While it can throw a spanner in the works around communication, planning and all kinds of other things… it’s still a great time to be making money and I’m going to show you how!



As an ADHD-brained multi-passionate creative entrepreneur, in the past I opted for constantly creating new things rather than doing the “boring” work of editing and refining what I have already created. This led to a constant cycle of busywork that ultimately held me back from doing my best work.


I’m in a new era of REFINEMENT and guess what?! I’m going to teach you everything I’ve learned about how mercury retrograde is actually an AMAZING time to uplevel your work to attract better clients, make easier sales and have way more fun filling up your high ticket offer!

This way of working has brought me SO MUCH MORE TIME FREEDOM, with even more aligned clients and impact, with the EASIEST sales into my $5k-10k+ coaching offers!

Using astrology in my client work has been skyrocketing their results, to 6-figure launches and extra-speedy soul mate client attraction, with the added fun of feeling like you’re in alignment with what you’re SUPPOSED to be doing in life! 


Here’s what we’ll cover:

Day 1: Refine Your Offer

I’ll walk you through the process I use to take a stagnant offer that’s not selling to the place where I KNOW it’s going to sell (and it does!).


Day 2: Review Your Messaging

Just like mercury retrograde is guaranteed to come around again and again, so does the need to review and uplevel our messaging. We’re CONSTANTLY growing and evolving in our work, and so are our clients. I used to resist this fact, but when I built this revision process into my business it helped me to keep things fresh and continually magnetic to new, super aligned clients. I’m going to show you how I do it. 

Day 3: Revise Your Sales Process

If you’re not making the sales you want there’s a reason. I’ll take you through my sales process review so you can get clarity on exactly what needs to change (and no you don’t necessarily need to burn the whole thing down and start over!) so you can turn your sales flow back ON!

Let’s Make More Money This Mercury Retrograde!