You want to quickly produce concise sales pitches on your Instagram stories but the templates from that 7-figure coach lead you to either write essays that kill your story views or overthink it so much you never post anything. 


Picking an attention grabbing hook feels like banging your head against a brick wall and posting on your feed feels so filled with pressure that you’re doing it less and less. 


Your high ticket offer is life-changing but your confidence in knowing what to say in your content to fill it is fluctuating MASSIVELY from day to day depending on if you get engagement, DMs and sales… or not. 

What if I told you there’s a planet in your chart that can end overthinking, overcomplicating and underearning by giving you CLEAR answers on HOW to create content in a way that makes you the MOST magnetic to clients and sales for your high ticket offer?



Unlock Your Mercury Sign’s Secret To Selling High Ticket Offers

By understanding your mercury placement you will learn:


⭐ What storytelling style to focus on to make the value of your high ticket offer so freaking obvious to new clients when you pitch it. 


⭐ The types of content that are the most powerful for you to create to skyrocket your authentic magnetism so your audience can’t take their eyes off you, leaving them super excited to buy.


⭐ Your creative strengths you can lean on in your content style to make it faster, easier and POTENT every time you show up to create so you can start having fun making money through a brand that feels so natural to YOU. 


Imagine giving yourself total permission to never have to create another piece of content in a way that feels unnatural, overly-complicated or inauthentic to YOU ever again!

When you find your natural flow with content it will make it SO much easier and more sustainable to sell and fill your high ticket offer consistently, and reach your next level goals and start having 5- or 6-figure launches on repeat! 


Understanding my Mercury sign helped me to see clearly how my unique storytelling style was so powerfully moving new clients to buy from me so I could intentionally stick to what works in my content, bringing me clarity, confidence and certainty on how to generate new clients from my content whenever I want.

Identifying the types of content that are most compatible with my Mercury sign gave me permission to lean all the way into prioritizing the content pieces that worked best to generate sales, and to ditch the rest without guilt-tripping myself or putting pressure on myself to follow the latest trends. 

Understanding the communication qualities that were strongest for me made it SO clear which types of content were not only the most natural for me to create but the easiest to produce.

These insights have allowed me to consistently fill my high ticket offers, making attracting clients through social media SO much fun. 

I consistently have 5-figure launches and 6-figure years selling high ticket offers through organic social media marketing that I genuinely LOVE to create. 

Are you ready to unlock the money-making messaging secrets of your Mercury placement?!