Private Intensive WITH SARAH MAC

Cosmic Sales Intensive

Done with you sales page copy to fill your high ticket 1:1 or group coaching offer with compatible soulmate clients

Are you a healer, witch, creative or magical entrepreneur who’s ready to fill your high ticket 1:1 or group coaching program and you want a sales page that will do the selling for you?

Stop second guessing who your soul mate client is and position your high ticket offer for the person who’s TRULY compatible with you, ready to do the work and get the best results.

Stop doubting which parts of your story to tell to attract ready to buy dream clients and confidently know how to talk about your work when you’re a multi-faceted service provider whose client results can vary from person to person.

Stop losing people with fluffy language that sounds the same as so many others in your industry and clearly articulate why your work is worth $5-10k+ even when you sell things like astrology, Human Design, breathwork, mindset coaching or energy work.


Maybe you’re tired of having a calendar full of sales calls and you want a sales page that can clearly pitch your offer and guide interested clients to feel ready to buy without needing to talk to you first.

Maybe you already have a sales page and people are clicking on it but not reaching out, and you want to feel clear on what to say and what NOT to say to turn interested people into actual buyers.

Having sales pages for my offers has led to:

  • Filling a high ticket group coaching program (10 clients at $1k each) while traveling on vacation for 2 weeks and launching using repurposed content.


  • Having 5-figure months from sales into my $5k+ evergreen mastermind with no live launching beyond daily social media content.


  • Signing clients into my $17k private mentorship program with no sales calls.


  • Use the same sales pages to repurpose + relaunch my offers for 5+ years, bringing in $10,000s each.


  • Make my daily social media sales strategy very simple being able to pitch my offer effectively by simply sharing a link to my sales page.


  • Regularly waking up to sales of $1000s from new clients opting into my offers because I shared a link to my sales page on my stories.


  • Having clients joining  my high ticket offers from my emails every month, even when I haven’t run a live launch event.


  • Removing sales calls from my sales process altogether freeing up time to write my first book, learn songwriting and reducing my work week to 3-4 days.

Clients who have been through this offer have:

  • Created a sales page that went on to sell out a high ticket relationship coaching mastermind.
  • Had 5 people instantly reach out to apply.
  • Had 20 applications to her high ticket mastermind within 48 hours of publishing.
  • Sold $15k private mentorship packages behind the scenes of her high ticket group offer launch.
  • Gone on to have a 6-figure launch with the sales page and content strategy we created within just a few weeks.
  • Instantly book a high ticket client after using the sales page copy in social post.

You’ll walk away with a full, clear, compelling, sales page for your high ticket offer that will attract ready to buy clients and that you can continue to make sales with for years to come.



A targeted bio that will make you so clear on which parts of your story to focus on in your social media content to clearly communicate your expertise and attract compatible clients for this offer. VALUE $650

Copy that you can repurpose to pitch your offer successfully in your social content, emails, livestreams and events. VALUE $2000.

*LIMITED TIME BONUS* a full page graphic web design of your sales page on your site so that your link is ready to share and start making sales for you. VALUE $1500.

A recording of our 90 minute 1:1 strategy call where we’ll outline the key brand stories that make you a very obvious and desirable choice for your most compatible soul client (I’ll use your astrology chart to determine this). VALUE $1000

Detailed notes from our call including the specific copy outlining the most valuable benefits of your offer, the most important parts of your story to use to sell the offer, the core desires of your client and a clear action plan to develop your messaging and complete your sales page. VALUE $500

☆ You’ll also receive content prompts based on your unique astrology chart to guide you to speak to your most compatible soul clients and share the juiciest parts of your story that clearly articulate your gifts and well-earned wisdom throughout your life. VALUE $450.

☆ You’ll have access to 2 weeks of voice message coaching in Voxer (with your questions answered Tuesdays through Thursdays) with edits and feedback on your sales page copy until it’s complete, and any of your other questions answered to start creating content to fill your high ticket offer. VALUE $1000

A Brand Storytelling Questionnaire to complete before our call to get clear on your vision and story that we’ll refine during our call. VALUE $250

My Sales Pages That Sell Template for you to follow to understand exactly how to talk about your work and your story to target ready to buy clients that you can reuse for any offer you launch in the future. VALUE $500.

My Tap Into Your Writing Flow Creative Practice Training (15 mins) to build the tools to break through resistance to consistently create money-making content and have fun doing it. VALUE $100.

Write Powerful CTAs, Claim Your Storyteller Identity & Connect to Dream Clients with Ease. (50 mins) Training & guided meditation. VALUE $200.

Meditation For Dream Client Connection & Magnetization (6 minutes) Value $50


Total Value: $5200

ROI: $100,000s in lifetime sales

Current Pricing $1500



Step 1: You’ll receive my Brand Storytelling Questionnaire & writing guidelines with questions to guide you to the parts of your story and clarity on your offer that will become your most profitable messaging angles. You’ll also receive access to your bonus trainings to tap into strategic clarity and intuitive writing flow on the messaging that will magnetize your soul mate clients into your offer.


Step 2: We’ll have a 90 min 1:1 strategy call where I’ll reference your astrology chart to define the specifics of your most compatible soul mate client and design the messaging strategy that leads with the parts of your story that quickly and powerfully your expertise and your offers value. We’ll start writing the copy for your sales page together.


Step 3: You’ll receive detailed notes with the parts of your message needed for your sales page, my Sales Pages That Sell Guide and clear instructions on next steps to put together your sales page and build the skills to sell your high ticket offer through copy that converts. Plus you’ll receive prompts based on your astrology chart to immediately start selling your offer in your social media content.


Step 4: Our 2 weeks of Voxer voice message support will begin the day after our call (with your questions answered Tuesdays through Thursdays) where you’ll continue to work on completing your sales page copy with my support on any questions, with feedback and edits as you go.


Step 5: My web designer will design your sales page. Once your sales page copy is finalized I’ll connect you two in a group chat and she’ll use your completed branding brief to design a sales page on your website. You’ll be able to give edits and feedback until you’re so happy with the sales page design and your link is ready to share to attract new clients!


You’ll come away with a completed high converting sales page, ready to share to attract ready to buy dream soul mate clients into your high ticket offer for years to come!

Limited spaces available.

I regularly increase the price on this offer!